Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Show Time!

Well, as you probably already know, the Penguin Play Awards are coming out in March. But Club Penguin is already starting to get ready.

We, the citizens of Club Penguin, get to pick which plays will be nominees. Everyone gets to choose one new play and one new play.

New Plays:

Norman Swarm Has Been Transformed

Underwater Adventure

The Haunting of the Viking Opera

Old Plays:

Fairy Fables

Quest for the Golden Puffle

Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl

The Penguins that Time Forgot

Ruby and the Ruby

Well, those are all the plays! Remember, you only get to choose one of each. I'm voting for "The Haunting of the Viking Opera" and "The Penguins that Time Forgot". They were REALLY good plays. Plus, I loved the unibrow you could buy during "The Penguins that Time Forgot!"

Break a Leg! (Good Luck)

P.S. If you want to see pictures for each play, check out my friend Peggie Quin's blog. Click HERE to go there.

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