Saturday, January 30, 2010


Goodbye, fellow penguins,

I've decided to quit the blog. I guess I just don't have time to post. Usually when I post about something it is late in the day or the next day. It was fun for the short while it lasted...

Well, goodbye. You may still look at my previous posts, but no more posting.

See ya,
-Pinkguin 246

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ANOTHER Earthquake! :( :( :( :( :(

Do you know about that earthquake that hit Haiti? It was a 7/10 on the Rictor scale. tt was pretty sad. Many people died or became homeless. Many children became orphans. It's really sad.
This morning ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE HIT! I still can't believe it. This one was a 6.1. I can't even imagine what devastation and terror has been added to the people of Haiti. It is really horrible. Just imagine if it happened to you...
You are in your backyard, playing with your friends. Suddenly, the ground starts shaking. Before you know it, your house and the houses around it are tumbling down. You look around, but can't see your friends. Then, you hear your mom scream. You sort through the pieces of wood trying to find her. You pull out a big piece of your roof. The screaming of other people and the cries for help suddenly disappear. You stare down. Your parents are lying down next to each other. There is blood around them, and they are still. As understanding flows through you, you start weeping. Your parents are dead. You fall to the floor, overcome with sadness. A big board of wood comes tunling down and hits you. You soon lose consciousness .
You wake up in front of a medical center, pain shooting through your body. You soon find out it has been a few days since the earthquake. You have a broken arm, a concussion, and you lost an eye. No wonder you felt like you lost your peripheral vision. Then you remember: you are an orphan. The tears come back. What will you do now? As a doctor tries to comfort you, the ground starts shaking again. OH NO! You grab onto the doctor's arm, fear surging through you, more than ever before...
Do I need to say more? Think of what these people are going through. Please do whatever you can to help.
To learn about Haiti, click here.
-Pinkguin 246

Friday, January 15, 2010



Remember what I was telling you about Yeti caves? How about that picture of a work-in-progress cave? Well, now it has a hole! Here it is:
See? When you go to the mine shack, you just need to click on the jumble of rocks and voila! A HOLE! This is so exciting! I wonder when the cave is going to come out..


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yeti Caves!


Billybob said there might be new Yeti caves in Club Penguin. Actually it was in the same post as my previous alert about the new igloo.This is so cool! One cave is already in progress:
It is at the Mine! I am SO excited! I wonder what other things will happen in Club Penguin during 2010!
Talk to you Later!

Sneak Peek-New Igloo!

Hey Pengs!

In the next Igloo Upgrades catalog, we will have an awesome new igloo! Here is what Billybob said:

Hello Penguins,
We've heard from lots of you that you wanted some really unique igloos and new furniture items. Check out the new Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades on Friday - especially if you're looking to "rock" your igloo! Here's a first look:

Well, to me, it looks like the cave in the secreat agent missions. Right now it's Herbert's cave...Maybe this igloo is signaling a new mission too! YAY!

See Ya!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Show Time!

Well, as you probably already know, the Penguin Play Awards are coming out in March. But Club Penguin is already starting to get ready.

We, the citizens of Club Penguin, get to pick which plays will be nominees. Everyone gets to choose one new play and one new play.

New Plays:

Norman Swarm Has Been Transformed

Underwater Adventure

The Haunting of the Viking Opera

Old Plays:

Fairy Fables

Quest for the Golden Puffle

Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl

The Penguins that Time Forgot

Ruby and the Ruby

Well, those are all the plays! Remember, you only get to choose one of each. I'm voting for "The Haunting of the Viking Opera" and "The Penguins that Time Forgot". They were REALLY good plays. Plus, I loved the unibrow you could buy during "The Penguins that Time Forgot!"

Break a Leg! (Good Luck)

P.S. If you want to see pictures for each play, check out my friend Peggie Quin's blog. Click HERE to go there.

Friday, January 1, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's 2010! WHOO HOO! YAY! The next decade! This is awesome!

Here are my New Year's resolutions:
1. Lose at least 5 lbs.
2. Start teaching Peggie Quin and Cafuna manners again. (They had a long break!)
3. Have lots of fudge. (Which kinda cancels out New Year's Resolution #1. but oh well!)
4. Make "The Penguins That Rock" rock even harder!
What are yours?