Sunday, December 6, 2009


Well, yesterday it snowed! I went to Peggie Quin and Cafina's house. (Click here to see their blog.) We had a snowball fight, graffitied a car, and threw a snowball(a hard one!) at our dads (technically). It ROCKED!
Today I woke up and looked out the window. It rained last night, and most of the snow went away. But the tops of cars were still covered. You could see clumps of grass, but there was still snow on the ground. It still looks snowy, or at least that is what I'm trying to convince myself. *sigh* I knew it wouldn't last...


  1. LOL, I don't think writing on our uncle's car with a stick was really graffiti-ing, but it was fun and weird ;) Too bad Flippy0102 was too CHICKEN to come outside :P

  2. I know, right? She would have yelled and kept on falling down. LOL!

    Remember when Cafina threw the snowball with so much force she fell down? Sorr Cafina, but that was kibda funny.

    Do you remember the snow frisbees?

  3. Grr! NOT funny! No! Not funny!
    Remember my "Hallelujah!" thing?

  4. wow u guys mustve had fun still no snow in england!! -rrawr- Lol
