Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween! Party!


Hello....I've been, expecting you! MWAHAHA!

Vel, you know about the enjoyingly horrendous CP Party. It brings me delight to watch you all scream in horror! HA HA HA HA! Well, anyway, the party is out. Today I don't have time, but later tomorrow I might post some Halloweeny pics. Have fun out there! Especially you, members. You get ALL the fun.

See you in my coffin, I can't wait to drink your delightfully tasty blood. If you are O-Positive, you better watch out!


-Count Pinkula >:)
Sorry I took so long, but here are some pics! Don't forget to go to the party!


  1. The Halloween party is great! Don't forget to go. It will be tons of fun!

    I practically LIVE for Halloween. It may not seem like it, but I do! Last year, I didn't even go Trick-or-Treating. But don't get me wrong, I LOVE Halloween. It was just the candy....I didn't want to eat all of it.....

    Anyway, i'm being a BEE! What sre you people being? I bet they are REALLY intriguing and Hallween-ish!

  2. You might have been confused. I was saying your costumes probably will be intriguing and Halloween-ish.


  3. I love Halloween too! My school doesn't allow Halloween costumes *sob* but we DO get candy from some nice teachers... :D

    On CP, I'm being the Santabug that Cafina, Floppyj10, Sommfi, Legoman, and some others helped me pick!!
